Yahoo has recently undergone significant changes within its cybersecurity division, known as The Paranoids, resulting in the layoff of approximately 25% of its staff. This restructuring comes under the leadership of the new Chief Technology Officer, Valeri Liborski, who has initiated a transition to an outsourced model for offensive security operations.
Key Takeaways
Yahoo has laid off around 25% of its cybersecurity team, losing 40 to 50 employees from a total of 200.
The red team, responsible for conducting cyberattack simulations, has been completely eliminated.
The layoffs are part of a broader strategy to enhance profitability and focus on critical security priorities.
Overview of the Layoffs
The layoffs at Yahoo's cybersecurity team have been confirmed by multiple sources, including current and former employees. The company has experienced at least three rounds of layoffs this year, with the most recent changes announced by Liborski in an internal email. The decision to eliminate the red team, which plays a crucial role in identifying vulnerabilities through simulated attacks, has raised concerns about the company's future security posture.
Reasons Behind the Changes
Yahoo's spokesperson, Brenden Lee, stated that the company's security program has matured significantly over the past seven years. The transition to an outsourced model for offensive security operations is seen as a strategic adjustment aimed at concentrating resources on critical security priorities. This shift reflects the evolving landscape of cybersecurity and the need for companies to adapt to new challenges.
Impact on Employees
The layoffs have not only affected the cybersecurity team but are part of a larger trend within Yahoo. Last year, the company laid off over 1,600 employees, approximately 20% of its total workforce, as part of a strategy to improve profitability. Employees have expressed concerns about job security and the implications of outsourcing critical security functions.
Future Outlook
As Yahoo continues to navigate these changes, the focus will be on maintaining high standards of protection for its users and platforms. The decision to outsource certain security functions may allow the company to allocate resources more effectively, but it also raises questions about the effectiveness of external teams in managing internal security challenges.
Yahoo's recent layoffs and outsourcing of its cybersecurity functions mark a significant shift in its operational strategy. As the company adapts to the evolving cybersecurity landscape, the implications for its workforce and security posture will be closely monitored by industry observers and stakeholders alike.
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Yahoo cybersecurity team sees layoffs, outsourcing of 'red team,' under new CTO | TechCrunch, TechCrunch.
Yahoo lays off 25% of cybersecurity team, outsources 'red team', NewsBytes.